Dukascoin Crypto P2P

Dukascopy Bank's Angebot an kryptobezogenen Dienstleistungen

Bitcoin (BTC)
Ether (ETH)
Litecoin (LTC)
Stellar (XLM)
Dashcoin (DSH)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Tether (USDT)
Polygon (MAT)
Tron (TRX)
Dukascoin (DUK+)
more coming soon
Bitcoin (BTC)
Ether (ETH)
Litecoin (LTC)
Stellar (XLM)
Dashcoin (DSH)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Tether (USDT)
Polygon (MAT)
Tron (TRX)
Dukascoin (DUK+)
07.07.2022new The collaboration between Dukascopy Bank and Smart Valor crypto exchange goes live
24.05.2022 Dukascopy Bank enables blockchain operations in Tether (USDT) for the MCA clients
16.05.2022 Dukascopy Bank offers clients its own marketplace for P2P exchange of cryptocurrencies
05.05.2022 Dukascopy Bank obtained the authorization from FINMA to launch fiduciary custody services for crypto currencies
15.04.2022 Dukascopy relaunches card program

Kryptowährungen kaufen und verkaufen

Kunden können 24/7 Kryptowährungen kaufen und verkaufen

Kryptowährungen kaufen und verkaufen

Kunden können über die mobilen Anwendungen und Plattformen der Bank 365 Tage im Jahr und 24 Stunden am Tag mit einem Klick eine Vielzahl beliebter Kryptowährungen kaufen und verkaufen.

Die von der Bank angebotenen mobilen Anwendungen bieten Kunden Zugang zum Handel, zur Aufbewahrung und zum Transfer von Kryptowährungen auf Multiwährungskonten.

Die von der Bank angebotenen Handelsplattformen ermöglichen es Kunden, Kryptowährungen mit einer Hebelwirkung von bis zu 1:5 auf Handelskonten zu handeln.

Kunden haben die einzigartige Möglichkeit, Dukascoin zu handeln, zu speichern und zu transferieren - der ersten Kryptowährung, die von einer Schweizer Bank ausgegeben wurde. Dukascoins sind auf dem eigenen Marktplatz der Bank und auf Partner-Kryptobörsen zum Handel erhältlich.

Die Bank berechnet attraktive Gebühren für den Handel mit Kryptowährungen.

Multiwährungs- und Handelskontolimits gelten.



Kunden können Kryptowährungen zwischen ihren Konten bei der Bank und ihren Geldbörsen in Blockchain transferieren


Kunden können Kryptowährungen, die in ihren Wallets in der Blockchain oder bei Krypto-Börsen gehalten werden, innerhalb der festgelegten Limits auf ihre Multi-Währungs-Konten bei der Bank übertragen.

Kunden können Kryptowährungen von ihren Multi-Währungs-Konten bei der Bank auf ihre Wallets in der Blockchain oder ihre Wallets bei Krypto-Börsen und anderen Finanzinstituten übertragen.

Kunden können ihre Handelskonten bei der Bank aufladen, indem sie Kryptowährungen* von ihren Wallets in der Blockchain oder ihren Wallets bei Krypto-Börsen und anderen Finanzinstituten überweisen. Auszahlungen in Kryptowährungen von Handelskonten auf die Blockchain sind verfügbar.

Kunden können von ihren Multi-Währungs-Konten zu Multi-Währungs-Konten, die von anderen Kunden der Bank gehalten werden, jede von der Bank unterstützte Kryptowährung übertragen.

Die Bank berechnet Gebührenfür eingehende und ausgehende Blockchain-Zahlungen in Kryptowährungen, während interne Überweisungen zwischen Kunden der Bank kostenlos sind.

*- Die Liste der für Überweisungen zu/von der Blockchain verfügbaren Kryptowährungen ist auf Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH) und Tether (USDT) beschränkt.

Krypto mit Hebelwirkung handeln

Kunden können Kryptowährungen mit einer Hebelwirkung von bis zu 1:5 auf den von der Bank angebotenen Handelsplattformen handeln



Kunden können Kryptowährungen direkt untereinander austauschen (Peer-to-Peer). Die Bank gewährleistet die Sicherheit der Abrechnungen in Fiat Währungen zwischen den Konten, während der Krypto Transfer unabhängig in der Blockchain ausgeführt wird



Kunden können Kryptowährungen auf ihren Mehrwährungskonten bei der Bank lagern



Kunden können das Geld auf ihren Multiwährungskonten bei der Bank für den Handel an Kryptobörsen verwenden


Kunden können Kryptowährungen mit dem Geld auf ihren Multiwährungskonten über eine der Partner Kryptobörsen handeln.

Dazu werden die Multiwährungskonten der Kunden mit der Wallet des Kunden an der Partnerbörse verknüpft. Das Geld vom Konto der Bank wird für die Abwicklung von Transaktionen auf der Plattform der Börse verwendet. Diese Transaktionen werden sofort und rund um die Uhr stattfinden.

Kundengelder auf Mehrwährungskonten bleiben jederzeit bis zu 100'000 CHFdurch die Einlagesicherung geschützt

Es gelten die für Mehrwährungskonten festgelegten Grenzwerte.

DUKASCOIN erhalten

Profitieren Sie von der weltweit ersten Kryptowährung, die von einer streng regulierten Bank ausgegeben wird


Borrow Against Your Crypto

Receive 50% of the value of your cryptocurrency while keeping your investments


Um Zugang zu den Krypto-Dienstleistungen der Dukascopy Bank zu erhalten, ist es notwendig, ein Multiwährungskonto (MCA) oder ein Handelskonto zu eröffnen, das kostenlos ist und rund um die Uhr online eröffnet werden kann.

MCA Konto eröffnen Handelskonto eröffnen



Bitcoin (BTC)
Ether (ETH)
Litecoin (LTC)
Stellar (XLM)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Tether (USDT)
Dukascoin (DUK+)

Kunden können Kryptowährungen, die sie über die Blockchain gekauft oder überwiesen haben, auf ihrem Mehrwährungskonto halten.

Die Bank bietet ihren Kunden derzeit sechs der beliebtesten Kryptowährungen an - Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Stellar (XLM), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tether (USDT) und Dukascoin (DUK+).

Alle Kryptowährungen (mit Ausnahme des Dukascoin), die von Kunden in der Verwahrung der Bank gehalten werden, werden in Form von spezifischen CFDs gehalten. Dieser Ansatz ähnelt dem Halten von Kryptowährungen selbst aus einer Risikoperspektive und unter finanziellen Aspekten, profitiert aber auch von dem Einlagensicherungssystem, das für Kunden attraktiver ist. Diese CFDs haben ein sehr niedriges Risikoprofil, da es keine Hebelwirkung gibt, Leerverkäufe nicht erlaubt sind, Nachschussforderungen und Verluste, die über die ursprünglich investierten Beträge hinausgehen, nicht möglich sind. Der Wert von Investitionen in Kryptowährungs-CFDs über Mehrwährungskonten ist bis zu einem Höchstbetrag von CHF 100'000 pro Kunde geschützt unter Schweizerische Gesetzgebung

Dukascoins (DUK+), die von Kunden in der Verwahrung der Bank gehalten werden, werden als Einlage in Kryptowährung gehalten und sind daher nicht geschützt durch Schweizerische Gesetzgebung

Private Banking-Kunden mit einem Sparkonto können Kryptowährungen wie BTC, ETH, USDC, LTC, AAVE und andere mithilfe der Treuhandservices der Bank aufbewahren. Der Investitionsprozess beinhaltet das Unterzeichnen des Treuhanddienstleistungsvertrags und die Auswahl des hochwertigen Verwahrungsdienstleisters, der entweder vom Kunden oder von der Bank vorgeschlagen wird. Treuhanddienstleistungen sind im Sparkontopaket enthalten und bieten dem Inhaber niedrigere Gebühren und eine zusätzliche Schutzebene. Die auf solchen Konten befindlichen Mittel sind getrennt und separat von den Mitteln der restlichen Kunden aufbewahrt, was bedeutet, dass im Falle eines Bankrotts der Bank die Mittel nicht in die Verwaltung eines Treuhänders fallen und nur zur Rückzahlung des Kontoinhabers verwendet werden. Gemäß Schweizer Gesetzgebung,sind Einlagen bis zu einem Maximum von CHF 100.000 geschützt, und die Treuhandform des Schutzes wird in der Regel auf Konten angewendet, die diesen Betrag überschreiten.

Die Bank verwahrt ihre eigenen und die Kryptowährungen ihrer Kunden auf einer Kombination aus Cold- und Hot-Wallets mit Multi-Signatur-Zugang in den jeweiligen Blockchains sowie auf ihren Konten bei ausgewählten Partnern wie regulierten Kryptobörsen und anderen Banken.

Die Bank berechnet wettbewerbsfähige Gebühren für die Aufbewahrung von Kryptowährungen ihrer Kunden.

Gebührenstruktur für MCA Kryptodienste

Kauf/VerkaufsgebührLagergebühr p.a.Abhebung auf die BlockchainEinzahlung von der Blockchain
Standard MCA (<100'000 USD)1%1.5%CHF 30Free
Treuhanddienstleistungen für das MCA-Sparkonto (>100'000 USD) N/A0.5%CHF 30 + 0.5%0.5%

Die Gebührenstruktur von Dukascoin ist auf der entsprechenden Website verfügbar. Andere Gebühren .

Standard MCA (<100'000 USD)
Lagergebühr p.a.1.5%
Abhebung auf die BlockchainCHF 30
Einzahlung von der BlockchainFree

Die Gebührenstruktur von Dukascoin ist auf der entsprechenden Website verfügbar. Andere Gebühren .

MCA Sparkonto ( Privatkundenkonto >100'000 USD)

Die Bank hat eine neue Art von Konto für private Kunden entwickelt, bei dem ein Kunde seine Mittel in Form von Bargeld oder Investmentportfolio mit dem von der Bank angebotenen Instrumentensatz aufbewahren kann.

Treuhanddienstleistungen für das MCA-Sparkonto (>100'000 USD)
Lagergebühr p.a.0.5%
Abhebung auf die BlockchainCHF 30 + 0.5%
Einzahlung von der Blockchain0.5%


Kunden können Kryptowährungen direkt untereinander austauschen (Peer-to-Peer). Die Bank gewährleistet die Sicherheit der Abrechnungen in Fiat-Währungen zwischen den Konten, während die Krypto-Überweisung unabhängig in der Blockchain ausgeführt wird.

Die Kunden der Bank können über den öffentlichen Kanal "P2P" im Messenger "Dukascopy Connect 911" oder auf andere Weise eine Gegenpartei für solche Transaktionen finden. Die Liste der Instrumente wird bald erweitert werden.

1 Installieren Sie die Anwendung, 2 Eröffnen Sie ein Konto, 3 Finden Sie eine Gegenpartei, 4 Schließen Sie ein P2P-Geschäft ab, 5 Die Bank wickelt die Überweisung für beide Teilnehmer sicher ab.

Webseite besuchen


Bitcoin (BTC)
Ether (ETH)
Litecoin (LTC)
Stellar (XLM)
Dashcoin (DSH)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Tron (TRX)
Cardana (ADA)
Polygon (MAT)
Chainlink (LNK)
Uniswap (UNI)
Aave (AVE)
Maker (MKR)
Compound (CMP)
Engin (ENJ)
Yearn Finance (YFI)
Basic Attention Token (BAT)
Bitcoin (BTC)
Ether (ETH)
Litecoin (LTC)
Stellar (XLM)
Dashcoin (DSH)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Tron (TRX)
Cardana (ADA)
Polygon (MAT)
Chainlink (LNK)
Uniswap (UNI)
Aave (AVE)
Maker (MKR)
Compound (CMP)
Engin (ENJ)
Yearn Finance (YFI)
Basic Attention Token (BAT)

Demo-Handelskonto eröffnen Live-Handelskonto eröffnen  


Dukascoin Kryptowährung von einer Schweizer Bank

Dukascoin Krypto­währung von einer Schweizer Bank


Die erste Kryptowährung, die von einer Schweizer Bank ausgegeben wird


Tauschen Sie Ihre Token gegen Fiat (EUR) über einen sicheren lokalen Marktplatz. Kaufen Sie zusätzliche Token von anderen Nutzern


Platzieren Sie Dukascoins zum Einsatz, erhalten Sie eine Einsatzprämie und den höchsten Schutz für Ihre Krypto Assets


Erhalten Sie sofort Geld gegen einen Dukascoin-Einsatz mit der Verpflichtung zur Rückgabe (Rückkauf) in 1 Monat mit der Option auf Verlängerung


dukas.io Neuigkeiten


The collaboration between Dukascopy Bank and Smart Valor crypto exchange goes live

Dukascopy Bank enables new cooperation with the registered Swiss/Lichtenstein digital assets exchange Smart Valor. The API-driven integration of Dukascopy and Smart Valor infrastructures will offer the…

Dukascopy Bank enables new cooperation with the registered Swiss/Lichtenstein digital assets exchange Smart Valor. The API-driven integration of Dukascopy and Smart Valor infrastructures will offer the shared clients an enriched environment, in which they may instantly trade 176 digital assets pairs using a Swiss bank account supporting 22 global currencies.

The exact modus operandi is identical to the existing Dukascopy - ZBX (Zillion Bits exchange) framework. The user must have an account at Dukascopy Bank and Smart Valor. Both accounts will have to be linked by the user inside the interface of Smart Valor. Once linked, the specially created 'partner' fiat sub-accounts at the Bank can be used for the automated buying and selling of cryptocurrencies at the Exchange. Under this model, Dukascopy is only taking care of the fiat funds flow, while the operations with crypto are fully under the roof of Smart Valor.

Dukascopy Bank has developed rich crypto-fiat functionality over the last several years. There are now four methods available for customers to trade crypto at the Bank. First, a client can acquire crypto (ETH, BTC, USDT) as an investment straight from Dukascopy's account and withdraw it to the blockchain. Second, a client can buy crypto from one of the Bank's crypto exchange partners. Third, a client can purchase crypto from another client of Dukascopy using the P2P crypto-fiat exchange service recently launched by the Bank. Fourth, the Bank offers leveraged trading of crypto pairs on the brokerage account using its professional trading platform.

SMART VALOR is the first European digital asset exchange listed on Nasdaq First North. The company's mission is to provide a trusted gateway to blockchain technology for investors and institutions. On the B2C side, it operates a retail digital asset exchange, custody, and asset management. On the B2B side, the company works with banks and fintech companies offering its technology as a white-label solution. SMART VALOR was one of the first crypto companies to receive financial intermediary status in Switzerland and to be registered as an exchange and custodian under the Blockchain Act of Liechtenstein.

The co-CEO of Dukascopy Bank Dr. Andre Duka states: "Despite the recent swings in the crypto markets, we at Dukascopy Bank continue to witness the growing interest and demand from our international client base to this domain of instruments. Therefore, we ceaselessly work to improve our crypto infrastructure in all possible directions including the formation of new partnerships. We are welcoming the Smart Valor Exchange as a new member of our ecosystem and have no doubt that the clients of both institutions will gain from our collaboration."

Olga Feldmeier, board chair of Smart Valor notes: "Making transactions in digital assets available to bank customers is the core mission of our B2B2C strategy. We are happy to launch this service offering by partnering with a bank that is close to us in terms of innovation mentality and is, just like us, based in one of the most prestigious and well-regulated jurisdictions - Switzerland. Two Swiss financial technology companies joining forces to deliver a better user experience and access to digital assets - this milestone will demonstrate the way forward for many traditional financial institutions which are currently contemplating available entry options."

For more information about the crypto services of Dukascopy Bank, including trading and storage, please check https://www.dukas.io/.


Dukascopy Bank enables blockchain operations in Tether (USDT) for the MCA clients

Tether (USDT) is joining Ethereum (ETH) as a cryptocurrency that can be deposited/withdrawn by the MCA clients directly from/to their crypto wallets. This is also the…

Tether (USDT) is joining Ethereum (ETH) as a cryptocurrency that can be deposited/withdrawn by the MCA clients directly from/to their crypto wallets. This is also the first stable coin that the Bank is offering to its clients. 

To start the operations with Tether, the procedure remains the same as for Ethereum. The client needs to link a personal blockchain wallet to the MCA account and confirm the ownership with the signing method described here. Once this step is completed, crypto-assets can be transferred between the MCA account and the linked wallet. The information about fees is available on the website of the Bank dedicated to crypto services: www.dukas.io 

The Bank reminds its clients that if they require a wider scope of cryptocurrencies they can explore the recently launched P2P crypto exchange service. Dukascopy Bank's marketplace for P2P exchange can process any blockchain. Therefore, it provides a secure environment to transact in virtually any token given that there is a counterparty willing to take the opposite side of the trade. 

For any questions regarding the use of Tether, P2P marketplace, or other services, please contact the Dukascopy Bank's Support team. 


Dukascopy Bank offers clients its own marketplace for P2P exchange of cryptocurrencies

Dukascopy Bank has developed a marketplace for P2P exchange of cryptocurrencies. It is organized as a bulletin board, whereby the clients can place their offers to…

Dukascopy Bank has developed a marketplace for P2P exchange of cryptocurrencies. It is organized as a bulletin board, whereby the clients can place their offers to buy or sell tokens against fiat currencies. Currently, the list of available tokens includes 12 major names with further plans to expand the accessible instruments to altcoins and NFTs.

P2P crypto exchange service can be reached via the Dukascopy Connect app by clicking on the 911 dedicated section. Having an active MCA account is a compulsory prerequisite to use the Marketplace. The role of the Bank in the process of a P2P exchange between two clients is to ensure the security of the fiat settlement. This is achieved by blocking the fiat funds of the Buyer until the Seller successfully delivers the traded cryptocurrency to the Buyer's crypto wallet. The detailed step-by-step description of the service can be found here.

The key distinctive feature proposed by Dukascopy’s P2P solution compared to other existing platforms is the safe execution of the fiat leg of the exchange operation. Other systems within the industry provide escrow to the crypto leg while in fact, it is the fiat leg that is more problematic and riskier to settle, harder to verify and control by an independent investigator. To avoid the settlement risk, the users of Dukascopy P2P service need to strictly follow the rules of the P2P marketplace and not send fiat funds outside of its perimeter. In case of disputes arising between the parties, the Bank will initiate its own investigation of the transaction to secure the safe resolution of the issue.

As part of future developments, the Bank intends to offer API-based connectivity to the P2P marketplace for more sophisticated customers who would like to get more automated order control and advanced trading functionalities.

In the meantime, the Bank encourages its clients to try the new P2P Marketplace. As always, the Bank is grateful for any feedback that may help us improve our services and that can be provided via our Customer Support chat.

Clients of the Bank may find the P2P service inside Dukascopy Connect app under the 911 dedicated section.


Dukascopy Bank obtained the authorization from FINMA to launch fiduciary custody services for crypto currencies

Dukascopy Bank has been granted authorization from the Swiss financial regulator FINMA to provide its customers with exchange of crypto currencies and fiduciary deposits in crypto…

Dukascopy Bank has been granted authorization from the Swiss financial regulator FINMA to provide its customers with exchange of crypto currencies and fiduciary deposits in crypto currencies allowing investment and custody of crypto currencies on behalf of clients.

The fiduciary services are available for the owners of Savings accounts that enjoy all the benefits of Private clients. A Savings account can be requested by any MCA clients with the planned deposits above USD 100,000.

The fees for Savings accounts are available here: https://www.dukascopy.bank/swiss/fees-limits/ 

The fee schedule for crypto operations including blockchain operations, purchase/sale of crypto and custody can be accessed here (scroll to Fee Structure for MCA Crypto Services): https://www.dukas.io/

Different options of investments in crypto currencies are already operational.

For any questions, please contact your account manager or the Support team.


Dukascopy relaunches card program

The Bank is glad to inform its clients about the decision of the Issuer company to continue issuance and support of Visa and Mastercard prepaid cards…

The Bank is glad to inform its clients about the decision of the Issuer company to continue issuance and support of Visa and Mastercard prepaid cards for residents of the following countries:
Andorra; Austria; Bear Island; Belgium; Bulgaria; Channel Islands; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland (including Aland Islands); France (including its "DOMTOMs"); Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Greenland; Hungary; Iceland; Republic of Ireland; Isle of Man; Israel; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Malta; Monaco; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal (including Azores, Madeira); Romania; San Marino; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain (including Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla); Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; United Kingdom. 

Residents of other countries can continue to use all other services of the Bank and will be timely informed on developments of the Bank's card program.

For all questions regarding cards and other services of the Bank, please contact the Dukascopy Support Team.



28th of February, 2022: Dukascopy Bank SA is pleased to congratulate its current and prospective clients with the third anniversary of the Dukascoin project! Three years…

28th of February, 2022: Dukascopy Bank SA is pleased to congratulate its current and prospective clients with the third anniversary of the Dukascoin project! Three years ago the Dukascopy team released the first payment crypto coin issued for public use by a licensed and regulated Swiss bank. Today we can surely state that the project has succeeded and matured. 

During the past year, Dukascoin holders were offered new features to expand the usability and adoption of our coin. In particular we created a new reward program for loyal Silver Dukascoin holders and a convenient GetCa$h swap program. Also we made our traditional Coin and EUR Reward Staking programs way more affordable than one year ago.

During 2021, small Dukascoin holders were able to allocate free Dukascoin stakes starting with just 50 DUK+! EUR reward stakes became friendlier as well with the entry threshold to staking being affordable at 500 DUK+. Dukascopy had also lowered the entry threshold from 15 000 DUK+ to 10 000 DUK+ allowing clients who previously would not have benefitted from the Fat Catz program to do so. Last year our valuable Fat Catz shared among themselves almost 13 500 EUR in commissions paid for trades performed on the internal Dukascoin marketplace.

We also continued our successful co-operatios with the cryptoexchange ZBX to provide an alternative marketplace for Dukascoin holders who prefer to keep their crypto assets away from the MCA infrastructure. The average price of the Dukascoin stabilized at around 2 EUR per 1 DUK+ during the last six months. This means that the market has found a reasonable balance reflecting the value of the Dukascoin corresponding to the current level of the staking rewards offered by Dukascopy Bank.

We congratulate all our clients and crypto enthusiasts
of the world as we celebrate the next anniversary of the Dukascoin project!


Dukascopy Bank's fiat settlement for P2P crypto-fiat exchange operations

The Dukascopy Bank has developed a new framework for secure settlement of money for the P2P crypto-fiat exchange operations between clients. Dukascopy Bank regularly receives requests from…

The Dukascopy Bank has developed a new framework for secure settlement of money for the P2P crypto-fiat exchange operations between clients.

Dukascopy Bank regularly receives requests from its clients to send or receive money related to P2P crypto-fiat exchange transactions in blockchain. The P2P crypto-fiat exchange is usually based on an individual agreement between two blockchain wallet holders. Crypto currency is transferred between the blockchain wallets and the transfer of money is executed by a regulated banking/payment institution. Each transaction must comply with strict regulatory standards to clearly determine its economic nature and comply with AML protocol.

The Bank’s significant experience in supporting P2P crypto-fiat exchange operations enables it to formalize a new framework facilitating such operations safely. This framework ensures that both sellers and buyers can securely transfer crypto funds between their blockchain wallets and exchange the agreed upon fiat amount between their bank accounts.

The Bank preliminary verifies that the buyer has the agreed upon amount and temporarily blocks these funds before depositing the money into the seller’s MCA account. Simultaneously, clients buying crypto can be sure that their money will be transferred to the seller only if that seller executes a transfer for the corresponding amount of cryptocurrency from their blockchain wallet and at the predetermined time.

This new framework is available for our clients in the Dukascopy Connect 911 application through the “911” public channel. All MCA clients may take part in beta testing in a LIVE environment that will last until December 24, 2021. The access to the framework will be temporarily suspended for the period of Christmas and New Year holidays and is expected to be restored from January 10, 2022 in fully operational regime.

The Bitcoin and Ether are two crypto currencies supported during the P2P framework launch. Other crypto instruments including NFT-tokens will expand the instruments list soon. A detailed description of the framework is available on its dedicated landing page https://www.911p2p.io/.

The Bank strongly believes that clients using this new framework will benefit from a new safe environment for P2P crypto-fiat exchange operations. Other services of the Bank related to crypto currencies can be found on the corresponding landing page: https://www.dukas.io.


Upcoming DUK+ stakes rates and trading conditions changes

Since January 1st, 2022, Dukascopy Bank will apply the following DUK+ trading conditions improvements: The Low liquidity fee changes from 0.20 EUR to 0.15 EUR per coin…

Since January 1st, 2022, Dukascopy Bank will apply the following DUK+ trading conditions improvements:

  • The Low liquidity fee changes from 0.20 EUR to 0.15 EUR per coin sold;
  • The Low liquidity fee application level decreases from 2.50 to 2.25 EUR per DUK+.

The new coin reward rates schedule will change to the following:

Minimum deposit size (DUK+) Coin Stake Reward rate paid by the Bank for a 1 year Stake held with the Bank / with the personal blockchain wallet Coin Stake Reward rate paid by the Bank for a 3 month Stake held with the Bank / with the personal blockchain wallet
50 7 / 9.5 1.4 / 1.9
100 8 / 10.5 1.6 / 2.1
250 9 / 11.5 1.8 / 2.3
500 10 / 12.5 2 / 2.5
1'000 12.5 / 15 2.5 / 3
2'500 15 / 17.5 2.7 / 3.2
5'000 17.5 / 20 2.9 / 3.4
10'000 22.5 / 25 3.8 / 4.2

The new EUR reward stakes rates are 0.30 and 0.06 EUR per coin for yearly and quarterly stakes, respectively. 

All the mentioned changes will come in force on January 1st, 2022. Stakes allocated before January 1st, 2022 will not be affected by the changes thus clients looking to allocate their Dukascoin into more lucrative stakes with better rates are invited to act. Current rates can be consulted via the following links: (DUK+ reward, EUR reward).

The Bank has noticed a growing popularity for the recently launched GETCA$H swap program. Clients who already started using the program have assessed its benefits and are continuously using it to cash out their stakes without the need to cancel the stake, lose the reward, and sell the coins. For more details, please visit the web page dedicated to this program.


GETCA$H swap program launch

To improve the liquidity of DUK+ stakes collected by clients, the Bank launches GETCA$H swap program. This program allows holders of DUK+ stakes to get fast…

To improve the liquidity of DUK+ stakes collected by clients, the Bank launches GETCA$H swap program. This program allows holders of DUK+ stakes to get fast access to fiat money by means of the swap – a special exchange contract of Dukascoin for EUR with further buyback at a fixed price. The standard contract duration is one month. Clients may apply for prolongation of the initial swap by paying a fee. The cost of use of the received cash is based on a 7.5% annual rate. The swapped stake continues to be active but its duration is correspondingly prolonged for the term of the swap. For more details, please visit the web page dedicated to this program.

The service is available now in the web MCA application and will be also soon released in the mobile applications.


Upcoming Dukascoin stakes rates update

Dukascopy Bank announces the next round of Dukascoin stakes rates reduction that becomes effective on October 1, 2021. The main tendencies are the following: The rates are…

Dukascopy Bank announces the next round of Dukascoin stakes rates reduction that becomes effective on October 1, 2021. The main tendencies are the following:

  • The rates are lowered across almost all Dukascoin reward stakes amounts except for the smallest ones placed in the Bank;
  • The EUR reward stakes are getting a unique rate for each term irrespective of the stake’s storage type. The new rates are 0.35 EUR and 0.07 EUR per coin for yearly and quarterly stakes respectively.

The new coin reward schedule is the following:

Size of the deposit (DUK+) Coin Stake Reward rate paid by the Bank for a 1 year Stake held with the Bank / with the personal blockchain wallet Coin Stake Reward rate paid by the Bank for a 3 month Stake held with the Bank / with the personal blockchain wallet
50 7 / 9.5 1.4 / 1.9
100 8 / 10.5 1.6 / 2.1
250 9 / 11.5 1.8 / 2.3
500 10 / 15 2 / 3
1000 12.5 / 17.5 2.5 / 3.5
2500 15 / 20 2.7 / 3.6
5000 20 / 25 3.3 / 4.2
10000 30 / 35 5 / 5.8

Stakes allocated before October 1, 2021 will not be affected by the changes.



Dukascopy Bank is glad to inform existing and future introducers that the bank waives the 2.5 DUK+ commission charged for every new referral over the first…

Dukascopy Bank is glad to inform existing and future introducers that the bank waives the 2.5 DUK+ commission charged for every new referral over the first five. Starting from August 16, introducers will earn the 5 DUK+ bonus for every new referral. This means that active introducers' remuneration will double!

Silver Dukascoin new payment option

Dukascopy Bank SA is pleased to announce the additional payment method for Silver Dukascoin Set buyers. Starting today the clients whose MCA balance of DUK+…

Dukascopy Bank SA is pleased to announce the additional payment method for Silver Dukascoin Set buyers. Starting today the clients whose MCA balance of DUK+ is equal or higher than the size of the desirable Gratification bonus will be able to cover the Gratification bonus implied to Silver Dukascoin by DUK+ already available on the MCA.

For example, if the “Covered by DUK+” option is selected in the “Cost of Dukascoins implied” part of the Silver Dukascoin order form during Silver Dukascoin Set purchase, the price of the Set will consist of two parts:

  • 50 DUK+ and 150 EUR for the SKY series;
  • 250 DUK+ and 400 EUR for the SPACE series.

If the “Covered by EUR” option is selected, the price of the Silver Dukascoin Set will be expressed in EUR only and at the moment of this news publication would be 257 EUR and 935 EUR for the SKY and the SPACE series Silver Dukascoin Set respectively.


Silver Dukascoin Loyalty reward introduction

Dukascopy Bank SA is pleased to announce the Silver Dukascoin Loyalty reward program! The aim of this introduction is to add new features to the stylish…

Dukascopy Bank SA is pleased to announce the Silver Dukascoin Loyalty reward program! The aim of this introduction is to add new features to the stylish and exclusive souvenir and make it even more lucrative by bringing its owner additional bonuses year after year.

The size of the Loyalty reward is 5% of the Gratification bonus implied. For the SKY and SPACE series the reward will be 2.5 DUK+ and 12.5 DUK+ per year per one Silver Dukascoin held. After the reward is credited, the membership will be prolonged automatically for the next year until the coin’s owner is either changed or returns the coin to the Bank.

New buyers of the Silver Dukascoin Set will become members of the loyalty reward program by default. Existing clients willing to join the Loyalty Reward program are invited to send a request to crypto@dukascopy.bank and indicate the serial number of their Silver Dukascoin and their MCA account number.


Further trading conditions improvement on the Dukascoin Marketplace

Dukascopy Bank continues improving DUK+ trading conditions and announces the following set of changes for its DUK+ related key features: The first Dukascoin transaction fee lowers from…

Dukascopy Bank continues improving DUK+ trading conditions and announces the following set of changes for its DUK+ related key features:

  • The first Dukascoin transaction fee lowers from 12.5 EUR to 11 EUR;
  • The low liquidity fee changes from 0.4 EUR to 0.2 EUR;
  • The minimum trade size shrinks from 15 EUR to 12.5 EUR;
  • The low liquidity fee application level reduces from 3.00 to 2.50 EUR per DUK+.

The changes come into force the moment the Fees & Limits website page is updated.


Trading conditions improvement on the Dukascoin Marketplace

Dukascopy Bank SA is happy to announce that starting today we improve trading conditions on the Dukascoin Marketplace: Low liquidity fee threshold lowers from 3.50 to 3.00…

Dukascopy Bank SA is happy to announce that starting today we improve trading conditions on the Dukascoin Marketplace:

  • Low liquidity fee threshold lowers from 3.50 to 3.00 DUK+/EUR meaning that Dukascoin holders may sell coins in this price range without being charged the Low liquidity fee;
  • The size of the Low liquidity fee also shrinks by 0.5 EUR from 0.9 EUR to 0.4 EUR per coin sold. This will help Dukascopy Bank clients to accumulate Dukascoins at better price. For those who would like to sell Dukascoin, it also means better results with lower fees and commission;
  • Minimum deal amount on the Marketplace also lowers from 17.25 EUR to 15 EUR to meet trading conditions changes described above.

The changes come in force from the moment the Fees & Limits website page is updated.


EUR Reward Staking program threshold is lowered to 500 DUK+

Dukascopy Bank SA is pleased to inform that Staking programs with a reward in EUR have become even more affordable with the new lowered threshold of…

Dukascopy Bank SA is pleased to inform that Staking programs with a reward in EUR have become even more affordable with the new lowered threshold of only 500 DUK+. The current reward rates remain intact at 0.1 EUR and 0.5 EUR per Dukascoin for 3-months and 1-year stakes respectively if the stakes are allocated in Blockchain and 0.09 EUR and 0.45 EUR per Dukascoin respectively for stakes allocated within the Bank’s infrastructure (MCA accounts). The difference in reward rates between the options of coins allocation in the Bank or in Blockchain is aimed to cover storage-related expenses of the Bank.


The Fat Catz qualification threshold adjustment

Dukascopy Bank announces that the qualification threshold for entering into prestigious Fat Catz reward program will be lowered from 15 000 DUK+ to 10 000 DUK+…

Dukascopy Bank announces that the qualification threshold for entering into prestigious Fat Catz reward program will be lowered from 15 000 DUK+ to 10 000 DUK+ on April 1 2021. The adjustment aims to counterbalance the DUK+ price surge that occurred at the beginning of the 2021 and thus to ease the program joining for new clients.

For more details, please check the program’s web-page.


Referrer’s remuneration logic change

Currently, any referrer receives 5 Dukascoins as a bonus for every invited friend who opens an MCA account. Dukascopy Bank is implementing changes to the referrer’s…

Currently, any referrer receives 5 Dukascoins as a bonus for every invited friend who opens an MCA account. Dukascopy Bank is implementing changes to the referrer’s coin distribution. In particular, the referrer will get their 5 coins for introducing a client once the referred client opens an MCA account and meets the 100 USD of incoming deposit turnover limit requirement within 90 days of opening an account. If the 90 days rule is not met, the referrer loses the right to get the 5 Dukascoins.

This measure has been put in place to prevent abuse on accounts which are referred and opened with no actual intent for use. The changes will be implemented during the coming weekend.


Dukascoin 2nd anniversary: same benefits - more freedom!

28th of February, 2021: Dukascopy Bank SA is happy to celebrate the second anniversary of the Dukascoin project - the first payment crypto coin issued for…

28th of February, 2021: Dukascopy Bank SA is happy to celebrate the second anniversary of the Dukascoin project - the first payment crypto coin issued for public use by a licensed and regulated Swiss bank. We are very proud of the progress achieved during this second year of its journey. Today it’s time to look back and observe the way the project evolved during this period.

First of all, we gave Dukascoin holders more freedom to manage their crypto assets. They can now move their Dukascoins to their Ethereum blockchain wallets and still participate in the reward staking programs. Moreover, we offer substantial premiums for reward staking allocated in blockchain. In other good news: we made coin reward staking programs affordable for every client – clients only need 50 DUK+ to be saved to join the coin reward staking program! For those who are looking for more flexibility in managing their cryptoassets, we have introduced a 3-month term for both coin and EUR reward stakes. More details about the current conditions of the coin reward staking program.

The year has also been lucrative for those who confirmed their loyalty to the project by being a member of the exclusive Fat Catz club: more than 16 000 EUR worth of commission paid on the Dukascoin marketplace was distributed amongst club members. 

Last year demonstrated a sustainable growth of interest for the new crypto asset: the Dukascoin reached an all-time high a couple of months ago at 7 EUR per Dukascoin. The average yearly price of the Dukascoin on the internal marketplace reached 4.2 EUR per Dukascoin and currently shows stability and resilience compared to the overall crypto market volatility which has been quoting at 3.5 for a long time.

The local marketplace is not the only place where clients can exchange their Dukascoins. During the past year, Dukascopy Bank established a strategic partnership with the regulated European cryptoexchange ZBX. Now, clients of both entities can keep their fiat secure with a reliable Swiss bank and also make transactions on a regulated exchange with several of the most popular cryptocurrencies including the Dukascoin. Another Asian cryptoexchange – Bitsonic – is close to an agreement and Dukascopy Bank is going to achieve even more recognition not only in Europe but in the Asia-Pacific region.

Finally, an achievement related to niche Dukascoin products: the Silver Dukascoin and the Level 2 referral program called Big Fish. 16 clients already bought Silver Dukascoins of both the SPACE and the SKY series. The first Silver Dukascoin Set has crossed the Atlantic Ocean and has been delivered to a client in Brazil! Half a dozen  clients have caught the Big Fish and have received additional rewards for their referrals who have allocated Dukascoin stakes into reward programs. 

We congratulate all our clients and crypto enthusiasts
of the world as we celebrate the anniversary of the Dukascoin project!


Incoming turnover limit for DUK+ operations

A welcome bonus of 5 DUK+ is issued for every client who opens an MCA account. In order to be able to sell or to transfer…

A welcome bonus of 5 DUK+ is issued for every client who opens an MCA account. In order to be able to sell or to transfer those 5 DUK+, clients need to reach an incoming turnover of 100 USD. Any deposit or incoming transfer to a client's account is considered incoming turnover.

This new measure has been put in place to prevent abuse on accounts which are opened with no intent for actual use.



Please be informed that starting from today the First Dukascoin transaction fee is raised from 4.75 to 12.50 EUR. The changes are already reflected in the Fees…

Please be informed that starting from today the First Dukascoin transaction fee is raised from 4.75 to 12.50 EUR. The changes are already reflected in the Fees & Limits page. Kindly check.